Do you remember your first sleepover birthday party? I do. It was when I was in the second grade and attended Hayes Elementary in Ada, Oklahoma. I had never been to a non-family member’s house for an overnight stay and I was so excited for this big sleepover party. It was for my friend, Taylor’s 8th birthday celebration…. I think we stayed up until 2 in the morning celebrating the big birthday. Phew, now that I am a parent, I think Taylor’s parents were saints.
Well, my almost nine year old is looking to host her first ever sleepover birthday party and she is over the moon with joy and excitement. So, we put together a little canvas bag of things we thought would be useful for her guests. We even whipped out the Cricut to make customized canvas bags for the girls.
Here is what we put into the sleepover party bags:
First, we added water bottles that are all of different colors. This way, the girls will know which bottle belongs to them. Also, from a parent’s perspective, I feel better about having all of the girls use bottles with lids. This way we can avoid spills and I am all about this!
Second, we added these cute little unicorn sleep masks. I thought they were cute and if any guest prefers to fall to sleep early, they are able to block out the light. But, let’s be honest, they will never actually be used. I mean, what kid will want to go to bed early during one of their first sleepovers? I guarantee mine won’t and I doubt the others will either.

Then, we added some handy travel toothbrushes with a travel tube of kids toothpaste. I am the queen of forgetting my toothbrush when I travel, so I like to keep one in my purse. This saves me from having to run to the store to grab a toothbrush while I travel. Definitely has saved my teeth a few times and my dentist would be proud.

In the case that any child gets homesick during the night, I thought it would be beneficial if they each had a new lovey to snuggle with at bedtime, so my daughter ordered this 4 pack of unicorn stuffed animals. We matched the stuffed animal color to the color of the water bottle for extra fun. (If you have any kids who are worried about nightmares, see this post to see how you can be prepared)

What is the plan?
The kids plan to have a movie night, eat McDonald’s Happy Meals for dinner (the birthday girl’s choice), play Twister and will wake up to a donut cake to chow down on before their parents retrieve them. I am sure they will find many other things to do as well.
I remember how much fun I had at sleepovers and I am so excited to watch my daughter experience this for herself. She is growing up too quickly and I am soaking in these sweet moments as she continues down this road of adolescence. I am just so proud of her and the young woman she is becoming.
Do you have any advice or tips to add for a sleepover for young girls?
PS, I am fully aware that I will get no sleep during the sleepover. Coffee will be my best friend the next morning, I am sure it it.
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