Because the holidays are just around the corner, it’s is time to prepare for the best part; gift-giving. I LOVE giving (and receiving) a good gadget-themed gift.
I am a gadget loving geek and I am 100% good with that.
Innovative “why didn’t I think of that” gadgets that simplify daily life are my favorite gifts to give (and receive). I think I am this way because I spent 6 years in Japan as a kid, and when it comes to innovation, the Japanese have it down to a tee.
Unfortunately, my sisters always one-up me in the gift-giving department. Rude, right? They are so thoughtful by individualizing each gift and I absolutely love to see what they get for us. But again, I feel like the gifts they give are better than the gifts I give… total one-uppers… sisterly love, am I right? (We will see if they read this post or not because I am sure I will hear about the name-calling. Ha.)
All jokes aside, here is a handy gift guide of my favorite, reasonably priced stocking stuffers and gifts with a “gadget” theme (price range from about $5-$90). Maybe you will be the gift-giving king or queen this year.
Zenith By Danco Tools
These are great for that person who is always knee deep in a DIY project. Zenith by Danco Tools are the best, most innovative demo tools out there that can be used on multiple applications – think Trim Removal, Floor Removal, and prying the heck out of whatever might be in the way. You can see a little video I put together on these here.
Ryobi Pump
Isn’t it so annoying to get into your car and see the “low tire pressure” light come on? I don’t want to drive to the gas station to pump air into my tires – especially in the wintertime when it is so incredibly cold outside. The worst. Well, every household needs one of these battery-operated air pumps. We use them for stroller tires, bike tires, car tires and that random pool float that will take all day to blow up. See more on this here.

Lint Razor
Yet another gadget that every home should have. I use this thing on sweaters, those pants that were washed with the towels (whoops) and furniture that has some pilling. It works like a charm and is also battery operated. This handheld device is a great stocking stuffer for everyone. Just be sure to give it with batteries. I always appreciate receiving a gift that has the batteries included.
Tinkles – Face Fuzzy Removers
My sister introduced me to these… I use them instead of plucking my eyebrows now. They are these tiny cosmetic razors that take all the fuzzies off your skin leaving a flawless look. Absolutely love. You can buy a pack of them and put a few in each adult’s stocking. Now, these are incredibly sharp, so be sure the kids don’t get a hold of them. Otherwise, I definitely recommend giving these Tinkles a try.
Bag Sealer
Does your pantry suffer from what I call the “pantry monster?” You know, the person that opens multiple cereal boxes of the same kind at the same time. I just love having four open bags of Cheetos in the pantry; one that stale as heck, one that’s well on its way, an old bag that actually has nothing in it, and one that’s fresh and new and on its way to being gross and chewy. Just love that.
Well, this little gadget will seal all of your open bags back up again. I love it. And I will always have it in our pantry for ease of use. Check out this TikTok video to see it in action.
Knife Sharpener
Ahh, the knife sharpener. This thing is worth its weight in gold. Any household that is equipped with kitchen knives needs one of these. They are fairly priced and will have your kitchen knives feeling sharp and brand spanking new in just a few swipes. My mom gifted me with one of these about five years ago and I’ve given it as a gift now many, many times. Here is video I made a while back on this thing.
Battery Holder
Again, another item that deserves a space in every household. This battery holder houses all of the battery sizes you need for your family. This is a weird gift, yes, but also extremely practical. I love having this on the wall in my laundry room. The kid’s toys are constantly running out of batteries (shocking, I know) and it is so easy to just walk in and grab whatever size I need. It also comes with a handy battery meter that will tell you if a battery still has juice in it. PS – this makes a great gift for parents of small children as they likely have an abundance of battery operated toys in the house. Extra bonus if you give it to someone pre-loaded with batteries. See more on it here.
This is a great gadget themed gift for giving family members that do not live nearby. This digital photo frame has an app where you can share photos from your phone, and have them delivered to a digital photo frame anywhere in the world where it is connected to wi-fi. This is one that I will definitely be giving this year since we don’t live near family. My cousin bought one from my grandparents a couple years ago and it absolutely makes their day when new pictures pop up on it. This awesome digital photo frame can be found here.
Okay, well, that is all for today’s gadget themed gift giving. I will definitely add to this list if I think of anything I may have forgotten.Be sure to checkout the full list of items here.
Wishing you all the best gift-giving holiday season and I wish this year that you are the gift giving one-upper. Cheers.
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