Since @thegoodwrench was born about a year ago (though was in creation long before then), my friends and family have been asking me, “are you going to start a blog, too?” My immediate answer was “not a chance in hell, I will never be a blogger” and, well, here we are…
Why Was I against writing a blog. The truth…
So here’s the deal – I never wanted to write a blog, mainly because I’m a horrendous writer. I mean, seriously terrible. Blame it on my early education abroad or just admit that I’m inherently bad at it – either way, it’s a fact. My spelling is a train wreck, my grammar is questionable at best, and I’ve always been a bit self-conscious about it. But you know what? As I’ve grown older, I’ve stopped caring about doing things “perfectly” and started focusing more on doing them for myself. Maybe, just maybe, my imperfect attempts will inspire others to do the same.
Now, if you actually made it through that first part, kudos to you! I’m genuinely flattered.
So why, oh why, did I decide to start a blog? Well, to be brutally honest, I needed a reliable “home base” on the ever-changing internet. Social media is a whirlwind, and I figured if I could have a place to call my own, it should be one where I have full control. No algorithms here, no pressure to collect likes or shares. Nope, this is my humble abode, a place where I can pour my thoughts into words. And I invite you to come along for the ride.
“What can I expect to find on this blog?”
It’s a loaded question, my friend. I’ll be sharing a little bit of everything – from DIY and decor (the core of @thegoodwrench), to navigating the chaos of being a homemaker, a mother to young kids, and a wife. Oh, did I mention that sitting still is simply not in my DNA? Nope, I’m perpetually on the move.
In fact, as I write this, I’m battling Covid. My head is pounding like a construction site, but I simply couldn’t shut my brain off without writing this “welcome” post. Now that I’ve embarked on this blogging journey, I’m going to grab a cup of hot tea and start planning my next post.
So as for “never being a blogger?” Lesson learned – never say “never.”